NEXT TRIP: Switzerland, Bachelor-Style

Will floppy haired himbo Ben Flajnik find love in idyllic Switzerland this Monday? And will he fall in love with one of his p*ssy posse -- Lindzi, Courtney or Nicki -- or the country itself? Or both? And is this all just a reason for him to open a Swiss bank account to hide all his cash (Mitt Romney-style) from whichever one of these ladies finally lures him down the aisle. Oh no, I remember it's all about the FANTASY SUITES.

Yes, this penultimate episode -- after Courtney staged her crazypants fake wedding with Ben -- takes place in swank, Sound of Music-ish, Interlaken. As the name suggests, there are lakes all around (German is so easy, people: Inter Lake en), and some pretty spectacular Alps -- Jungfrau, Moench and Eiger -- in the background. Ben, joined by his final three (sorry Kacie, your family really sh*t the bed last week) will be staying at some of the area's swankest hotels, including the Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa -- where we're assuming that Fantasy Suite is.

Oh and when they're not up in the rooms, there will be some typically Swiss activities: scenic hikes (spinning around like Julie Andrews moment), rappelling from an icy gorge (I smell a shrieking gal, and a reassuring hug from adorkable Ben), a picnic in the dramatic Alpine setting (this could be a snooze date, or the rolling around and getting busy one -- depends on whether Courtney's invovlved). And there's supposed to be a helicopter ride -- honeymoon shot, Courtney? Apparently one of the dates also happens in a Swiss chalet nestled in the resort of Grindelwald.

Want to relive one or all of these dates in Switzerland? The folks at ABC are having a sweeps to giveaway some pretty spectacular vacations to all the places featured on the show, including Belize, Park City, Panama and Switzerland.

Maybe you'll run into Ben there...because by the time the finale airs, he'll undoubtedly be single again. Right? Yes, I think we all have a ton of faith in Courtney WINNING this season, but just to be clear...that does not involve her ending up with Ben. Puuuhleeese. Hopefully he's not that dumb. Heard that wine of his is selling well because of the show. Sock all that money away in the Swiss bank acct, Ben. Because you're going to be footnote after Courtney runs away with this season in about 5, 4, 3, 2...

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