Pastor Prays Caitlyn Jenner's Heart Explodes In Her Chest

Here's a nice story about a pastor preaching that we all need to love God's children and treat one another with dignity and respect. Just kidding!

It's actually the return of Pastor Steven Anderson, the man who claimed we could have an "AIDS-free world by Christmas"--by executing all LGBT people on earth. And this time he is after Caitlyn Jenner.

While speaking to the congregation of Faithful World Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, the holy man called Jenner “wicked” and a “trans freak” who is being “crammed down the throat” of “literally hundreds of millions of people” and who therefore deserves to “die.”

“This person is just the evangelist of sodomy and filth to the world. And then people are like, ‘Oh, we need to pray that he finds Jesus.’ I’m going to pray that he dies and goes to hell!”

This seems like a fun church. Don't worry, there's more.

“I hate him with a perfect hatred. I have no love, no love for this Bruce freak. I hope he dies today. I hope he dies and goes to hell. He’s disgusting! He’s filthy! He’s reprobate! … I pray that his heart would explode right now!”

And if anyone in the congregation dares to disagree with Anderson, they'll be shown the door.

“Nobody who defends that freak is welcome in this church!” he snarled.

Shouldn't be a problem on our end.

h/t: Queerty 

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