Pat Sajak Fumbles With Gay "Wheel of Fortune" Contestant: WATCH

Pat Sajak has been hosting Wheel of Fortune for the past 500 years, so it's not too surprising he's kind of on autopilot at this point. But on yesterday's episode, he incorrectly suggested a gay contestant was marrying a woman.

[caption id="attachment_156853" align="alignright" width="200"]T.K. Klotz T.K. Klotz[/caption]

While introducing T.K. Klotz of Long Beach, California, Sajak commented that Klotz was engaged. "Some woman has agreed to marry you," he teased. "Some gentleman," Klotz corrected him.

Sajak fumbled briefly before replying he had "a 50-50 chance" of getting it right.

"Pat actually apologized to me during commercial break," Klotz said on the comment thread for a Deadspin article on the story. "He may be outspoken about homosexuality but when confronted with it head on he was very nice."

While his on-screen persona is pure milquetoast, Sajak has long been a supporter of right-wing causes and Republican candidates. In April, Sajak went to Twitter to joke about "coming out" as a heterosexual.

h/t: Deadspin

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