Photo Of Black Gay Dads And Their Daughters Melts Our Heart, Sparks Twitter Hate: PHOTOS

black dads

Gay dads Kaleb and Kordale, have been Instagramming family photos—like this two-cute image of them getting their daughters ready for school—for a few months.

The accompanying message read:

Being fathers is getting our daughters up at 5:30 am making breakfast getting them dressed for school and putting them on the bus by 6:30 .This is a typical day in our household . It’s not easy but we enjoy every moment and every minute of #fatherhood .#proudfathers #blackfathers #prouddads #gaydads

As blogger Beyond Steven of Mused Magazine reports, there was a fair amount of backlash on social media, with people asking where the child's mother was and some unseemly comments about a gay couple—an African-American gay male couple, to be specific—raising a family.

"From my view, this is a beautiful image of two strong fathers taking care of their children; however, Black Twitter didn’t see it that way," writes Steven. "I’m not going to list peoples’ comments or anything of the like because ignorance doesn’t belong on MUSED."

Most of the more hateful comments were deleted, but even some of the positive ones seemed taken aback that two black gay men were raising children.

Writes Beyond Steven:

Are we that sheltered from black gay couples that the general public doesn’t think they exist? But, can you blame them? There is hardly an image of “gay” love that features people of color. In the heat of national marriage equality campaigns, if you google black gay couple you get bunch of Tumblr links. This is not like the in-depth articles when you google the opposite. It’s almost like black gay couples don’t exist – but we do.

Our love does exist, our relationships are real and they are flourishing. There are many of us out here, some of us are parents, some of us are young, and some of us are married or planning to do so.

...Overall, the point is that Kaleb and Kordell are not unicorns. They are one of many.

To help drive that point home, here are a few more adorable photos of Kaleb and Kordell's clan. Now if you excuse us, we're gonna call our dad.

Source: Mused Magazine

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