Pro Baseball Team Trolls Pride Night Hater Who Predicted Low Attendance

Rochester Red Wings fans came out in big numbers to support the team and the LGBTQ community.

The Rochester Red Wings, a professional Minor League Baseball team based in Rochester, New York, held their first ever Pride Night game on Tuesday, July 3.

Ahead of the game, one anti-LGBTQ Twitter user predicted the game would be the lowest attended of the summer. The team shot back, telling them not to put too much money on that bet, leading the hater to admit there was a chance they could be wrong, but adding they doubted it.

Talk about having to eat your words.

It was obvious even before the first pitch was thrown that the game would be anything but poorly attended, with a long line forming to get into Frontier Field.

The Twitter troll's foul comment struck out when fans turned out in big numbers to show support for their team and to the LGBTQ community. The night was a success, with nearly 10,000 people in the stands, making it the third most attended home game of the season, of which there have already been dozens, proving the world has progressed beyond what some might believe.

The team didn't let the hater forget it, either.

"It’s nice to see the community come out. It’s more than just people supporting the Pride Night. It's normal—baseball fans who would come out normally and it’s nice to see everyone enjoying a family activity all together," Jamie Williams, who attended the game, told Spectrum News.

"Coming to an event like this is showing my support for those people who are in my life and who are important to me," said Janice Ferger.

A local news report follows.

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