Roy Moore's Followers Spew Homophobic Bile At Doug Jones' Gay Son

"Obviously Jones was an absent father for his son to be a homosexual."

Roy Moore lost his Alabama Senate race but that's not keeping the accused child molester out of the headlines: Moore has refused to concede to Democrat Doug Jones and today whipped his supporters into a homophobic frenzy about Jones' openly gay son, Carson.

Today in a Facebook post that's since been deleted, Moore (or someone who manages his social media) posted an Advocate interview with Carson. There was no text accompanying the post but it was a dog whistle to his followers—who commented with homophobic vitriol.

“Obviously Jone's [sic] was an absent father for his son to be a homosexual," wrote one commenter. "If the election continues as is he won’t be much of a Senator either.”

"If god wanted us to be with men on men and women on women and black with white, he would have put us on Earth that way," wrote another. "Guess what, we are not that way. It was Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve."

Erik S. Lesser/Getty Images

Then there was this: “Do you know what baby killers, homosexuals, so-called social elites, the underclasses, old hipsters, felons, socialists college students, urban thugs and white trash have in common? They elected Doug Jones!”

Not everyone was buying it, though.

One commenter suggested that "instead of casting your stones at other people's sons, maybe you should try to get help for your own, before he gets arrested for the TENTH time. It doesn’t get more cynical and nasty than attacking someone else’s kid just because you lost an election. Jerk.”

Another user, who admitted supporting Moore during the campaign, called posting the article "a cheap shot."

"It is unbecoming of a senatorial candidate to attack the family of your political opponent, in my opinion."

Moore also linked to an article from the extremist right-wing site WorldNetDaily that claimed “Muslims and Marxists delivered [the vote] for Doug Jones.” (The article doesn't doesn't suggest any illegality, just that Islamic and socialist groups “rallied thousands of black, Latino, and Muslim voters behind Doug Jones.”)

Moore has used homophobia to fuel his career for years: He was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court (for the second time) after instructing clerks to ignore federal law and maintain the state's ban on marriage equality. He's also compared gay sex to bestiality and claimed same-sex marriage will lead to the "destruction" of the United States.

Even in his non-concession-speech video, he declared the “heart and soul of our country is at stake.”

“We are indeed in a struggle to preserve our republic, our civilization and our religion and to set free a suffering humanity,” Moore said in the video, released last week. “Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty. Abortion, sodomy and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

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