Satanists Planning To Turn Fred Phelps Gay After He Dies

fred phelps

Those wacky satanists are at it again: Led by Lucien Greaves, the New York-based Satanic Temple plans on performing a "pink Mass" for the Westboro Baptist Church leader when he dies—a magical ceremony that reputedly turns people gay in the afterlife.

Greaves told Vice:

The Satanic Temple exercised its own right to offensive Free Speech in our performance of the Pink Mass at Fred Phelps’s mother’s grave this past summer. After having two same-sex couples (one male, one female) engage in homoerotic activity at the grave site, we declared Fred Phelps’s mother a post-mortem homosexual conversion.

At the time, I predicted that Fred hadn’t too much longer till he would pass, and I stated –- in a direct tweet to the WBC -– that I would be presiding over Fred’s own Pink Mass before too long. As I have made a promise to a dying man, I fully intend to do my very best to see it through, and the pomp and circumstance of this Pink Mass will surely far, far exceed that of the original event in Meridian, Mississippi.

The Temple will have to perform the ritual on their own time, as Westboro member Margie Phelps recently indicated there would be no funeral for Fred. "We don't worship the dead in this church," she tweeted in February, "so there'd be no public memorial or funeral to picket if any member died."

Previously, the Temple petitioned to erect a statue of Lucifer in front of the Oklahoma state capitol as a protest against the state's use of public funds to display the Ten Commandments.

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