"SNL" Weekend Update: Pete Davidson Explains Gay Porn Browser History

On Saturday Night Live, Pete Davidson stopped by Weekend Update to explain why strong passwords can be so important to your online life. I have several issues with this skit, the biggest of which is the assertion that modern day Leonardo DiCaprio as seen in The Wolf of Wall Street might cause a man to question his sexuality. Henry Cavill, sure. Matt Bomer, definitely. Joe Manganiello, absolutely. Maybe even a younger Leo. But Leo has been letting himself turn into a well fed looking homeless person lately. Still, everyone has a type, and Leo is evidently Pete's type.

So in order to see if he was gay, he decided to watch some gay porn to see if it worked for him. And since everybody has a type, he decided to watch a lot of gay porn to see which of it might turn him on. None of it did, and his sexuality was secure. Until his girlfriend borrows his computer.

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