Science Proves The Obvious: Hot Guys Are Privileged, Selfish Jerks


Hot guys are assholes. This is an absolute fact. We know it, you know it, and now, modern science has finally advanced to the point of being able to confirm it by providing tangible proof. It's a great time to be alive.

Researchers at London's Brunel University set out to prove the theory by studying the correlation between attractiveness and selfishness, scanning the bodies and studying the personalities of 63 men and 62 women.

To gauge physical attractiveness, male participants were measured using a number of criteria including slimness and waist-to-chest ratio; female participants were measured by hip-to-waist ratio. To gauge their levels of selfishness, both groups were asked questions regarding wealth and egalitarianism.

Obviously, the study found that men who were more physically attractive were less socially and politically egalitarian, i.e. they were elitist jerks. During an economics experiment simulating wealth distribution, it was attractive men who were most selfish and less likely to favor programs that benefitted those less physically attractive.

In short, Hot Privilege is real and hot men use it to their advantage.

"The increased bargaining power of attractive/formidable individuals would have made them relatively likely to win social competitions, and to thus benefit from the unequal distributions of status and resources that would have resulted from these competitions," the study says. "Attractive/formidable individuals would have therefore tended to be advantaged by social norms that promoted inequality, as well as disadvantaged by norms that enforced equality."

The study found no such correlation between attractiveness and egalitarianism in [Who run the world?] girls.

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