"Sophie" and her gay BFF are coming to ABC Family

Jeff Geddis/Natalie Brown

ABC Family (who brought us Greek) is set to bring more gay representation to U.S. television when it premieres dramedy import Sophie in early 2009.

Check out the details (and a clip of some same-sex snogging between a main character and the star of a recent cheeky commercial) after the break!

ABC Family will air the first season of the Canadian dramedy, which stars Natalie Brown as a talent agent trying to cope with being a single mother with the help of her gay best friend Matt, played by Jeff Geddis:

"If Matt wasn't gay he'd have married Sophie years ago. Dispenser of advice and the occasional pharmaceutical, Matt is Sophie's boyfriend, her girlfriend and her mother all wrapped up in one delicious girlish package."

Despite that absolutely horrific description, the character does have possibilities. In the clips that I've seen, he comes across as smart and sweet (although they certainly don't shirk on the stereotypical traits).

The show also stars Sebastian Spence (from those Donald Strachey mysteries on the here! channel) and such legendary Canadian character actors as Mimi Kuzyk and Sara Botsford (you'll know them when you see them).

You can see a clip from one of the episodes below, which includes a lot of innuendo and a brief clandestine make-out session (between Matt and that guy from the Dave Does Montreal commercial). If ABC Family does air the series unedited, it'll be interesting to see the public reaction. What do you think ... does this make you want to see more, or do you give it a "meh"?

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