Spring Fashion Top Five: Kim Ann Foxman

Pretty blooms and the primary colors of the Klaxons come with springtime...

Today’s fashion expert and cool kid offering up her Top Five style picks for this spring/summer is Kim Ann Foxman. A super stylish NYC lesbian jewelry designer/style-meister who’s had her work seen in magazines like Nylon, Nylon Guys, Paper, XLR8R and others, and her wares sold in cool/arty/hip stores like Opening Ceremony and Oak in NYC, Base in Miami and Silverman Gallery in San Francisco.

Kim Ann Foxman on the streets of Paris. Oh la la...

Or as she puts it: "i am a jewelry designer, dj, and u may hear me singing a song on a project called hercules and love affair. I am a faggy lesbian who likes dance music, being a dork and traveling. my fashion is inspired by stylish gay boys i know that rub off on me. Here are my picks for both boys and girls:

Clockwise: Up top, two pattern-crazy looks from Alexander Herchcovitch; Oak's oversize safari tee; and April77's patterned skinny jeans. Rar!

1. Pattern prints on shirts and pants

Patterns can range from ethnic patterns to geometric shapes. Opening Ceremony carries Amapo, a Brazilian lesbian designer who makes cool clothes and Alexander Herchovitch, who throws together cool colors and patterns. Oak NYC also has these great oversized safari t-shirts. Crazy patterns are hot because they show that you are confident and just don't care.

Bright color up top and down below are the deal, yo.

2. Monochrome outfits, specifically bright colors.

Wear purple pants with a purple shirt or blue pants with a blue shirt. Cheap Monday, April 77 of Paris, and American Apparel make bright colored pants and shirts. Monochrome outfits will be hot this summer b/c they are simple but bold.

These bright jeans from April 77 can work for you, too.

Kim Ann Foxman's jewelry brings street style and foxy flash; which looks good on your skin.

3. Duh... Foxman jewels

Time for my plug... Foxman jewels are totally unisex, can be personalized, and you never have to take them off. Check out the gold and silver shields. Everyone needs some bling for their wardrobes. You can find them at Oak, Opening Ceremony, C. Ronson, and

Take it to summer school in this elementary stompers.

4. Oxford style shoes

Girl or boy, old or new, shiny or not. It all works. You can find them anywhere.

Pleat Mister, Pleat. Yep, pleated shorts are back this summer.

5. Pleated shorts

Top Shop and Top Man carry inexpensive black or plaid pleated shorts. Wear them baggy -- or not. You can order online until the store opens in New York City. Check out Barneys or Marc Jacobs if you want to spend a little more.

Kim Ann sez: Au bientot!

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