Teary-Eyed Kim Davis Tells ABC News: What Hurt The Most Was Being Told "My God Doesn't Love Me"

And of course, she reveals she has gay friends...

Kim Davis gave her first television interview to ABC News' Paula Faris today, but it was hardly a hard-hitting confrontation.

In the segment, parts of which aired on Good Morning America and The View, Davis insisted she had gay friends who were cool with her stance.

"I have friends who are gay and lesbians," she said, breaking the Ninth Commandment. "They know where I stand and we don't agree on this issue and we're okay because we respect each other."

But some other folk haven't been so civil.

Davis says she's been called everything from a homophobe to "Hitler," but she doesn't sweat it.

"What people say about me does not define who I am. That’s everybody’s opinion and that’s everybody’s right," explained the Kentucky clerk who refuses to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

"I’ve been called things and names that I didn’t even say when I was in the world," said Davis—"in the world" referencing the time before her conversion to Apostolic Christianity five years ago.

What did get to her, though, was when someone questioned her faith.

"What probably hurt me the worst is when someone tells me that my God does not love me—or that my God is not happy with me. That I am a hypocrite of a Christian," a blubbering Davis explained.

For a more upbeat exchange, be sure to check out her chat with Fox News' Megyn Kelly tomorrow night. Let's hope Kim knows how to play softball!

Watch Kim on ABC News below.

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