"Teen Wolf" 4.04: Full Moon Fever

Scott has to deal with the consequences of biting Liam. The mouthless man comes after the Hales. And Lydia is throwing a party and everyone's invited.

Previously on Teen Wolf.... Scott and Stiles found themselves in a pitched battle to defend their machismo and their places on the lacrosse team against an adorable twinktastic freshman named Liam. Kira was told by her family that they were all moving to a less murderous locale like Somalia but after getting to first base with Scott, she totally vetoed that idea. And in an attempt to save Liam from a sexy cannibal, Scott sort of kind of bit him—it was just a nibble though!

Okay, let me just put this out there to start off with: Best Episode. Ever.

We kick off with Deputy Stilinski doing what he does best, trying to find a way to file a report on the latest murderings in Beacon Hills in such a way that won't get him committed to Eichen House, which he totally can't afford. Scott apparently high-tailed it with Liam, leaving Stiles to make what we can only imagine were adorably inane excuses until his dad told him to just go home.

Derek Hale shows up like fricking Batman and reads the whole scene. He doesn't know much about Wendigos, but he's heard they attribute their amazing abs to a strict regimen of teenager livers. He also tells the sheriff that there was someone there besides the trouble magnets, the murderer and the murderee—a scared and bleeding teenage boy.

Cut to maybe the best bit of TV in the history of televised lycanthropy. Stiles arrives at Casa de McCall, relaying the info he relayed to his dad and asking, very casually, where Liam is. And Scott, oh my dear Scott, looks all sheepish and says, "He's, uh, upstairs. Lying down."

Then he opens the bath curtain and shows Stiles the trussed up and gagged Liam, who looks freaked out of his mind on account of having been gnawed on and then body-snatched. Honestly, no embellishment could top this scene. All three actors were just perfection.

Stiles: "So, you bit him."

Scott: "Yeah."

Stiles: "And then you kidnapped him."

Scott: "Yeah."

Stiles: "And then brought him here?"

Scott: "I panicked."

Stiles: "This isn't going to end with us burying his body in the desert, is it?"

Liam: *panicked wailing from the bathroom.*

They make an inept but well-intentioned effort to explain to Liam why all these terrible things have happened to him and warn him that even more strangeness is about to follow. Liam isn't sure what sort of hazing ritual this is, but he's not on board. He smashes them with a chair and tries to run, but they tackle him down the stairs like the wonderful doofuses (doofi?) that they are. Despite their best efforts though, the little wolf cub makes his escape.

And then we move to Peter, who is vying with Stiles for my favorite character on the show. If he had more screen time, I might be swayed, but at the moment, he's still a few lengths behind. I just love a charming bad guy.

Somebody isn't so in love with him as I, though, and they throw a Tomahawk into his chest. Ow! Of course, it turns out to be Mr. Mouthless. He tells Peter that Derek will be next. Is this some sort of monster murdering scavenger hunt? We'll have to wait and see.

Malia and Stiles are in his bedroom, reviewing werecoyote bondage equipment. It's starting to break down from her desperate chewing, but Stiles figures there's one more moon in the stuff. He's just testing out the restraints when his father walks by and just doesn't even want to know. Stiles is disappointed that his convoluted excuses aren't getting so much exercise anymore.

Lydia is being smart, and isn't it nice that the show remembers she actually is a super genius? She actually connects the dots that maybe this code thing that her banshee brain has spit out actually has an importance that maybe she should try and figure out before they're all on the verge of death again. Also cool, Kira and Lydia not talking about boys.

The fresh men (and woman) arrive at BHH. Garrett is complaining that they all have nothing to do on a Friday night. Nu!Gay, Mason, reminds them that they're just freshmen and the most excitement they can hope for on a Friday night is to be trapped in the school while being chased by bloodthirsty hellhounds. Garrett's girlfriend, Violet, says they can all just cuddle up as always and have a great time.

Not having a great time is Liam, who ran to school for whatever reason. And Mason is all shocked and amazed that this star athlete friend of his could actually run three miles. Liam doesn't really offer an explanation, but when he sees Scott stalking him, he scampers off.

Stiles and Scott do manage to corner him, however, so that Scott can embarrass himself further by trying to explain that he and Liam are brothers now and that they have a special bond and finally Stiles has to cut him off. Seriously, I thought Derek was a terrible alpha, but Scott takes it to a whole new level.

Well, since it's going to be the full moon, they have no choice but to contain the wolf cub. They vote against kidnapping and murdering. So that means luring him to the lake house under false pretenses and then imprisoning him against his will. And who do they call on to be the bait for this trap? Why none other than foxy Kira herself.

Which of course then leads to this, which makes me love her endlessly.


And the way she just instantly recovers? She can definitely stay.

Back in the Hale Loft of Simmering Hotness, it's time for my new favorite part of the show—Derek performing first aid on Peter. Shirtless Peter? I'll take it! Even if he does have something of a crater in his chest.

These two, I swear. Their dynamic is just so wonderful. At times it's clear they really hate each other, but then at other times you sense as the last of the Hales (save for Cora who went off to rule Scotland) they are all each other has.

"I can handle a little fire," says Peter with sneering confidence.

And Derek lights the torch with a wicked little gleam in his eyes.

Kira gets Liam to the lake house and he's very concerned that no one seems to be there. Now, I'm just saying, when a regular straight boy gets invited to a secluded cabin by a pretty girl only to discover they're all alone, usually the first instinct isn't to run away. I just felt the need to point that out.

Liam is not in love with his surprise party/intervention. He throws a full out tantrum along the lines of, "I have had it! I am walking right out that door—right now—unless Scott wrestles me bodily to the floor and personally locks me up with those manacles."

Naturally, that's when the rest of the freshman class arrives. Now we're back to the show's basics—typical teenage drama mixed with supernatural hijinks. Lydia is left to throw the party while the rest of Team Scott drags the wolfing-out Liam and the coyote-ing-out Malia off to the basement. Why didn't Lydia just say the party was cancelled? Why ask why?

Back at the sheriff's office, Derek and Stilinski are discussing the latest freakish killing machine to make its way to Beacon Hills. It looks like Peter got a piece of the guy during their fight—literally, he got a piece, like his whole text-messaging, creepifying device thing.

"How does he eat without a mouth?"

"You know, my uncle didn't think to ask him while he was fighting to his life with a tomahawk in his chest," says Derek.

Seems like Derek might be picking up some of his uncle's snarkiness, which I totally approve of. As long as he doesn't start giggling and smirking. That would just be way too disturbing. I prefer my Sour Wolves extra sour.

They have no idea what to make of their clues, but that's what Deputy Handsome is for. Apparently, he was in Iraq and tomahawks are standard issue for folks dealing with IEDs. I have no idea how that works, and even I'm not so tasteless as to make cracks about our troops and IEDs, so I'm letting it go. But hey, always happy to see Parrish (Ryan Kelley) make an appearance.

Back at the party, a delivery man drops off a keg to the younguns and then heads back out to his .... sedan? WTF? What delivery guy drives a sedan?

Uh, right, so, anyway, his little Volvo or whatever has had its tires slashed, which makes him so mad he wolfs out a little. Hey, even werewolves got to pay rent. But he gets it under control so he doesn't run off to the all-you-can-eat teenager buffet rocking out across the street.

Then he gets totally murdered. By who? Violet!

She saunters back to the party and snuggles up to Garrett who shows her a text from the Benefactor saying their payment has been forwarded. Okay, I seriously didn't see that coming at all. Evil freshmen. Definitely new.

The next scene is totally bizarre and annoying but I mention it only because it's so freaking hilarious for one reason. Our new gay Mason gets a whole scene with Lydia with dialogue and everything, but it's muted. Yep, the first big scene for our new gay dude and his dialogue is voided. That really felt deliberate to me.

Down in the dungeons, Malia and Stiles have a great scene and I'm sorry to say that I am starting to like these two together. He refuses to leave her, even when she says she wants to rip off his face and break his bones and eat his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. But he tells her he's been threatened before and he's happier with her than a party full of people.

Yeah. Aww....

Scott has less luck with Liam, who pounces him and tries to maul him. Fortunately, Kira is there and with the judicious application of an oar upside the back of Liam's head, the werepup settles down. After chaining him up nice and tight, the two share a slow dance.

Scott says, "Liam can dance with me next time."

So, what are we calling them? Sciam?

Kira is adorable. Scott is adorable. The whole scene is packed with so much sweetness I got a cavity. And yet there was also so much dumb. Like, normal teenager levels of dumb, but still. Kira is all, "I bet you I can make you lose control" and Scott is like, "Nu uh" and she's all, "Oh yes, I bet I can make you totally lose control and wolf out and tear me to shreds and eat my pitter-patting heart out of my chest" and Scott just smiles, "You cute little minx."

Fortunately, before their ill-advised game of wolfy-chicken goes too far, Liam wakes up and breaks free again. This time, he just runs out into the forest to go mark some territory and maybe practice his baying skills.

Even as Malia is breaking loose, Stiles refuses to abandon her. He tells her what I have suspected as the reason for his changed demeanor this season, that he remembers all the horrible things he did, he remembers enjoying them too. That's part of him now. And it's sad. And Dylan O'Brien is brilliant with everything he does with this character.

And he lets Malia loose and stands firm and she hugs him and.... Okay, look, it's freaking sweet as hell. Dammit.

Scott wanders aimlessly around the forest, unable to find Liam or even sense when Liam is about to pounce on him. Not really impressed with his alpha abilities, I have to say. Once again, he is just about to get used for a scratching post when flares go off.

Chris Argent is back! Because, you know, he got Scott's texts:

"Kate's alive again. Might be a jaguar. Or a smurf. Not sure. Help?"

"Hey, can you tell Isaac I miss him and I love the scarf he sent me?"

"Derek has turned into a weretwink. He's so adorable. Don't tell him I said that. LOL."

"Oh crap, I bit an angel-faced freshman. That crazy Darth Abuela is totes gonna skin me. Help!"

But Chris knows this is one problem that Scott is going to have to solve himself—God help us. He set up a trap to corner the werepup, but it's up to Scott to use his words to get him to see reason. So, yeah, all hope is basically lost.

Before that, though, Sheriff Stilinski and Derek go to the school because that's where Mr. Mouthless has been signing into the Beacon Hills Psycho Killer Chatrooms from. Stilinski keeps his gun out, though, because he knows that the school is like a war zone after hours.

They foil a trap that Mr. Mouthless set up and then Derek proceeds to wrestle with him in a manly fashion. Turns out, once his patented "hurling tomahawk of death" move is spent. Mr. Mouthless is pretty much out of party tricks. Which allows Derek to subdue him and the sheriff to read him his rights.

Peter? Not so interested in law and order. He's taken the whole attempted murder thing personally and he straight-up rips Mr. Mouthless into kibble. But he's not all moon-crazed or anything. He just wanted to send a message that attempts on his life make him cranky.

"We've found a better way," says Derek.

"I'm a creature of habit," says Peter.

Which is basically his way of saying that since Derek is no longer an alpha, Peter isn't even going to pretend to listen to him anymore. Unless, of course, he needs first aid again.

Lydia discovers that there's a dead pool for Beacon Hills, a hit list for every single werewolf, wendigo, banshee, leprechaun and snuffleupagus in town. And every single one seems to have a point value, so this really is some twisted scavenger hunt.

Scott finds the worn and weary Liam curled up on the ground and he listens as his adorable wolf cub weepingly tells him that he doesn't want his parents to know he's a monster because he's been a very bad boy and he knows it but he wants to be good and maybe Scott can teach him how.

Scott tells him he's not a monster, that he's just like him. And Liam maybe sort of starts to think that maybe that's not so bad.

That's it for this week. Please sound off in the comments.

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