These "Flash" Outtakes Are The Greatest Thing You'll See Today

The set of The Flash looks like a fun place, which it better be, because there are a ton of screwups you have to get through, and who likes when their coworkers are screwups? Most of us get irritated when we have to redo work because our coworkers made a mistake, but these guys just get giggle fits.

Plus there's a ton of dancing. I mean a lot of dancing. It seems to be Grant's go-to thing when things get slow on set, and you can see he's still got the moves from his theater days, and the body rolls show he might have a future in Magic Mike: The New Generation.

Mostly you see a set where people love their jobs, even when those jobs involve spouting off made up science words. Until this video I never noticed how often they were in front of screens when they reeled off the comic book science, and I'm pretty sure they use them as teleprompters.

The best part is at about 5:30, a great moment between Barry and Pied Piper that we were all thinking about, that actually happened. Well, almost happened. We are all Andy Mientus in that moment.

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