Tori Amos: My Gay Male Friends "Weren't Trying To Tear Me Down"

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Tori Amos talks in depth about her gay friends and fans.

Her love for the LGBT community dates all the way back to when she was just a 13-year-old performing at a Washington DC gay bar, a moment she notes as "the beginning of my professional career."

From then on, she says she has always been learning from her gay friends and felt supported by them.

"With my gay male friends, they weren’t trying to tear me down or make me doubt myself; there wasn’t a competition, no secret envy of success that sometimes unfortunately can happen among young women where you compete with each other. You try to be magnanimous about your friends’ successes and try to be happy, but I never felt compared against gay guys."

She went on to say she didn't feel she was compared to lesbians either. "But I was brought up more by the gay boys," she added.  "The lesbians came a bit later."

Click here to read her interview with The Guardian in full.

h/t: The Guardian

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