Trans Students Made To Wear Green Bracelet So Teachers Can Identify Them

What could possibly go wrong?

A school system in Wisconsin has been making trans students wear green bracelets so they can be identified by teachers, administrators and school security.

A federal lawsuit filed last week reveals that the Kenosha, Wisconsin, school district has been requiring gender-nonconforming teens to wear the wristbands and making security guards ensure they don't use the "wrong" bathroom.

Ash Whitaker, an incoming senior at Tremper High School, was told in March he would need medical documentation to use the boy's bathroom, despite having a medical condition that requires he drink a lot of water.

His mother provided a note from his doctor recommending he be allowed to use the men's room, but school staff insisted on proof that he was medically transiting.

Whitaker had been using the boys' facilities last year before suddenly being told he couldn't—instead, he was given the option of using the girls' room or single-stalled restrooms at two far ends of the school.

"He is a good student and a good person, being pulled out of class or threatened with disciplinary action because he has to use the bathroom," Whitaker's mother told ABC.

Reports Think Progress:

The Wisconsin lawsuit notes other problems with how the school treated Whitaker. He was repeatedly called by his birth name and referred to with female pronouns by school staff, wasn’t allowed to run for prom king (until the school received a petition and media scrutiny), and wasn’t allowed to lodge with boys during school trips.

Tanya Ruder, a spokesperson for the Kenosha Unified School District, admitted in April that "at this time we do not have a policy in place for transgender students."

Wisconsin is one of more than 20 states suing the federal government over President Obama's guidelines directing public schools to allow students to use facilities that correspond with their gender identity.

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