Trump Delayed Stimulus Checks to...Print His Name on Them

"Trump is delaying this much-needed, vital resource for his own personal vanity."

President Trump delayed the printing of stimulus checks for the American public so he could stamp his name on them, The Washington Post reports.

With the coronavirus pandemic costing millions of Americans their jobs, the Trump administration approved a historic $2 trillion stimulus package to support taxpayers.

The stimulus package has been in the works for weeks. However, the Treasury Department reportedly ordered the IRS to print Trump's full name on the memo line of all stimulus checks early Tuesday morning, meaning people might have to wait a few days longer than originally planned to receive aid from the federal government.

It's worth noting that the IRS is mailing physical checks to Americans for whom it does not have up-to-date banking information, many of whom are low-income. About 80 million Americans are expected to receive stimulus direct deposits in their bank accounts this week.

As NewNowNext previously reported, the pandemic is expected to have a disproportionately devastating effect on marginalized communities, including LGBTQ Americans.

In a media statement, HRC president Alphonso David called Trump's vanity in a time of global crisis "absolutely revolting and inhumane."

"Millions of Americans have lost their jobs in the last month alone causing economic havoc unparalleled in our modern economy," David said. "This economic hurricane has disproportionately impacted marginalized groups, including LGBTQ people, who more often find themselves in industries that have completely shut down or dramatically scaled back staff and pay. These families and individuals are wondering how they're going to put food on their tables, pay their electric bill, pay their rent or other basic needs. Yet, Trump is delaying this much-needed, vital resource for his own personal vanity."

Meanwhile, the Treasury Department refuted the claim that printing Trump's name on the checks slowed down the roll-out process, according to The Post.

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