Video: Hesta Prynn Does Bonnaroo with Robyn, The Strokes, Man Man & More!

Robyn and Hesta Prynn, couchsurfing at Bonnaroo. Photo by Randy Scott Slavin.

One this summer's biggest outdoor music festivals, Bonnaroo brought thousands of folks to Manchester, Tennessee for a weekend of parties, shows and sweaty fun. Among them was Hesta Prynn, the NYC-based musician and DJ. Prynn makes genre-blending music and envelope-pushing videos alongside a list of collaborators which is lengthy and awesome -- and the former Northern State MC also just rocks a badass style.

So, Prynn gamely agreed to tackle Bonnaroo on our behalf, hitting up other musicians in between her own sets and show. Here's what went down (and expect more to come!)...


First, get a little killer overview of Prynn talking up the cool kids at Bonnaroo, including Robyn, Girl Talk, Best Coast, Arcade Fire, Scissor Sisters, Chiddy Bang and more!


Rented RV? Check! Bob Barker microphone? Check! A DJ set, my own show, 15 artist interviews and tons of sunblock later I can officially say that Bonnaroo 2011 was an amazing trip. This week you’ll see me talk to Robyn, Man Man and The Strokes.

Ready to roll with RV and official passes. Photo by Randy Scott Slavin.

This is the first time I met Robyn and I am a huge fan. She couldn't have been cuter, smarter, or more amazingly dressed, and hanging with her is kind of like chilling with your (Swedish) bff. We were losing the light so we dragged the couch from the dressing room outside by the stage.

Robyn talks summer festivals.

Robyn has the greenest eyes I've ever seen in real life and we share a passion for the moves of the 90s Fly Girls (as in the actual Jennifer Lopez Fly Girls). What you won't see: A post-interview photo shoot in which Robyn and I give such good face that the cameraman nearly passes out from the onslaught of sudden fierceness. (actually, see above)

Robyn talks about her amazing "Call Your Girlfriend" video


So I kinda know these dudes The Strokes from NYC and last time I saw them they looked kinda… haggard. Well no longer! Nikolai and Albert both looked so fit we talked about working out for the entire first half of the interview. What you won’t see: Albert talking sh*t about Katy Perry. Nikolai big upping Congressman Weiner’s crotch shots.

The Strokes interview


Just before dinner I sat down with the boys from Man Man. There’s a lot of them, they all wear matching sunglasses and they don’t always agree. The interview was fun and funny. What you won’t smell: Man Man fitting nicely into Bonnaroo’s hygiene code.

Man Man interview


There's more video goodness from Hesta Prynn and Bonnaroo to come. Stay tuned.

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