Wanted: 'Adventurous' Surrogate To Carry Cloned Neanderthal

[caption id="attachment_86447" align="alignnone" width="607"]A face only a mother could love. So handsome. (Getty Images)[/caption]

A Harvard genetics professor claims he can bring Homo neanderthalensis, relegated to extinction no more than 33,000 years ago, back to life. He just needs one "extremely adventurous female human" to carry the clone baby.

“You have got a shot at anything where you have the DNA,” Dr. George Church explains to German magazine Der Spiegel. “The limit for finding DNA fragments is probably around a million years.”

Theoretically, DNA fragments could be reassembled into an embryo and then implanted inside a daring female volunteer's uterus. Human cloning, however, remains largely unacceptable in modern society.

At odds with long-held views on stem cell research, the GOP is reportedly backing the plan, citing demographic studies that conclude Neanderthals are more likely to vote for Republican candidates in primary elections.

But Dr. Malcolm and other experts in the field still have reservations:

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