Watch Gay Woman Surprise Girlfriend By Donating Lifesaving Kidney

"Tattoos are cool, but I'd rather get matching scars."

It's the season of giving, but one woman went above and beyond when she surprised her girlfriend with a new kidney.

Alana Duran has suffered from lupus since the age of 12, and has had to deal with hip replacements, pacemakers and congestive heart failure as a result.

Eventually kidney failure forced her to go on dialysis, and she has been waiting for a kidney donor since 2011.

No one in her family was a match, but it turns out her girlfriend Lori was.

Lori put together a giant box of treats and gifts for Alana to open, but she found the real surprise when she reached the bottom of the box.

Under the tissue paper hid a card that read, "Tattoos are cool, but I'd rather get matching scars."

And below that was a poster-sized print of a Tinder screen — which is how the couple first met — with the words "It's a match!" printed above the announcement that Lori would be donating her kidney to her girlfriend.

Alana immediately broke down into tears and Lori recorded the entire magical moment.

"Who knew that when we both swiped right on Tinder that day that we would be more than just girlfriends, but that she would be my kidney donor," said Alana.

Check out the moving video below to watch it all go down.

h/t: Gay Star News

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