Weekend Meme: Happy Birthday Jim Henson, Lady Gaga's Paws Up Forever, and Jimmy Kimmel Welcomes DADT Repeal

Get out a tissue, and head over to watch the video for Paws Up Forever Project, inspired by Lady Gaga's Make a Law for Jamey campaign. These kids are something

else. I don't know what I was doing at their age, but it wasn't this.

Speaking of Lady Gaga,

she's set to premiere another short film at Paris Fashion

Week with the Mugler Women's Wear Collection Show.

In France, if you want to know if your son is gay, there's an app for that. Well, if you've got Android,

there's an app for that. Just answer a series of questions about stereotypes, and

it will tell you if you need to pack your son off to reparative therapy.

Ugly Betty's Ana Ortiz

has given birth to a healthy baby boy. Sadly, she didn't

name him Justin, which would have been perfect.

Archbishop Timothy

Dolan says that gay marriage is going to "precipitate a

national conflict between church and state of enormous proportions." Which

could be true, but only if the church continues to insist on trying to oppress

the state, which isn't its role. We just want to put a ring on it, not tear

down your gold altars to make them.

As I write this, Moneyball is on pace to win the box office with $21 million, edging

out The

Lion King 3D with about $20 million. There seems to be some conflicting

information about how Taylor Lautner's


is playing, with some estimates saying $18 million, proving Lautner's a star. Others are saying it's a $10 million bomb.

Anti-gay former eBay CEO Meg Whitman is now head of HP, meaning I will trash my printer when the

ink runs out and buy another brand before I'll put a dime into her pocket for

a new cartridge.

The NFL has quietly added sexual

orientation to its non-discrimination policy in their collective bargaining

agreement. Maybe this isn't precisely paving the way for a player to come out,

but it certainly eases the path just a bit.

Ilene Chaiken,

creator of The L Word, has sold a pilot to NBC underDick Wolf's banner about a lesbian doctor couple who work at an

inner city hospital in Philadelphia.

It's not just kids that kill themselves. 40-year-old Bryan Egnew, a classic practicing

Mormom, came out to his wife and children as gay. His wife immediately packed

up the kids and took them out of state, the church excommunicated him, and then he took his own


Kim Kardashian

has been voted the Most Annoying Celebrity, edging out Charlie Sheen and Paris


Maryland delegate Tiffany

Alston, who withdrew her support for marriage equality earlier this year has been indicted for misappropriating campaign funds to

pay for her own heterosexual wedding.

As we mentioned in Twitterwatch, even out stars like Neil

Patrick Harris seem oblivious to Chik-Fil-A's anti-gay history. So it

comes as disappointing, but not surprising that Modern Family star Sarah Hylandshowed up to the opening of the new Hollywood location. I'm

guessing Jesse Tyler Ferguson's invitation was lost in the mail.

The language on the North Carolina ballot initiative to

write discrimination into the state's constitution is only one sentence long. But the relevant bill has two

sentences, leading some to say that something fishy is afoot.

It turns out that Mei

Lan, a giant panda born in Atlanta, is not the female she was identified as

after birth. Shipped to China to do a turn in the breeding program to save the

animals, it turns out Mei Lan is all male. Evidently pandas aren't that well hung, and

once they start getting fur, it's hard to tell.

Just how much bubble wrap would you have to wrap yourself in to

survive a drop from a six story window?

It turns out the U.S. Patent Office will issue a patent on how to build a snowman. So before

you build one this winter, you may owe a licensing fee.

Britney Spears is

in hot water for carrying a (fake) gun in public while filming her new music

video in the UK. Guns aren't as common over in the UK, and brandishing one for

art, in a neighborhood rocked by recent riots isn't a good idea.

Joe Manganiello is set to guest star on Two and a Half Men as the

new boyfriend of Bridgette, Ashton's ex-wife on the show. Do you

think Manganiello and Ashton will strip down and compare abs as they compete

for Bridgette.

Editor's Note: Do you enjoy the Meme but sometimes forget to check for new editions? AfterElton has started a weekly newsletter with links to the week's biggest gay pop culture stories. Check it out! (You can unsubscribe at any time.) 

Depending on when you're reading this, you may get to see the Google Doodle in honor of what would have been Jim Henson's 75th birthday. It's interactive, and with a combination of mouse and keyboard commands, you can control each of the six unique Muppets created for the occasion.

This man changed a lot of lives. Mine is better because of him.

We all know that Alan Cumming can come up with some fairly jaw dropping outfits for the red carpet, but what about for lounging at home, or taking his dog out for a walk? Yeah, not a lot of difference.

I think my grandmother had that hat.

It's a guy thing. Gay or straight, it's a guy thing.

I haven't figured out if it's Meryl Streep or Margaret Thatcher that scares the crap out of me in this poster for The Iron Lady.

Who wins in a staring contest between them?

If Smurfs were real, they'd look like this. This is why I love cartoons, less creepy.

Joe McElderry has a big hose.

We loved Weekendwhen we reviewed it, and now it's hitting theaters in select cities. In honor of that, it got a snazzy new poster.

It's similar but different, just like the film.

How handsome does Michael Cudlitz look in this photo from the set of The Grief Tourist?

And when does Southland come back to the TV?

In the accompanying tweet, Matthew Cain and Russell Tovey said they'd hit the "dressing up box." Like that's a box everyone has in their homes.

But Russell can work a top hat.

We showed you a picture of Jim Henson's Google Doodle on the previous page, but this is how they went about creating it, and some of the things you can do with it. I never did figure out how to make one Muppet interact with the other Muppets.

Speaking of Jim Henson, they uploaded this celebration of the man by the Muppets that originally aired back when he passed away. It's touching and sweet, and reinforces the old rule about The Muppet Show, which is that the Muppets live in the real world, and in the real world, people die.

As long as I'm on a Muppet kick, here's the new trailer for Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey. It's about Kevin Clash and how he became one of the most beloved children's characters on the planet. Interesting note in this trailer: Richard Hunt tossed Elmo aside, unable to get into the character. Hunt is known as "the gay Muppeteer" and died of complications of HIV/AIDS in 1992.

On Sunday night, 60 Minutes is going to profile South Park. What fascinates me about the show is how fast they can deliver it. Sure, some are done over months, but as they say here, they can bang one out from idea to air in six days if they need to.

This. Is Awesome.

Rick Santorum claims he didn't hear the boos when the out soldier asked him if he'd roll back Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal. Even Megyn Kelly, who I'd been kind of sweet on lately seems to try and claim they couldn't hear them, but when they roll the tape, it's pretty clear they'd have to be deliberately deaf at that moment in time for that to be true. Plus, later on, Santorum takes back his condemnation of the boos.

But if you need some faith in humanity restored, how about this story of a teen runner (I'm guessing cross country) who saw an injured opponent, and not only stopped to help, but scooped him up in his arms and ran with him to get him to help. To top it off, he then went back and finished the race.

The New York Times interviews Andrew Haigh, the director of the enchanting film Weekend. Can I take a moment to gloat? We reviewed this back in March. I found the trailer, and Brent and Michael tracked it down. Now the film is everywhere, but we loved it six months ago.

I completely missed this Monday, but Jimmy Kimmel Live had a great skit about the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, and I think it's worth looking at.

Of course, I can't walk away from "Cop N' Kitty" on Leno, because I knew they had amazing weapons skills. And you all thought I was crazy!

This film from the Astrid Andersen SS presentation has pretty guys, but seriously, who would work out wearing that much lace? Who would leave the house wearing that much lace?

What did it take to film the epic food fight from the Glee season premiere? And why did Eric Stoltz wear a suit to set that day?

This promo for the new episode of Glee is interesting for the dance sequence, but having heard the Kurt and Blaine solos from the episode, it leaves out a lot.

And in case you missed the Starbucks barista who got fired for uploading a rather clever song to YouTube about pushy, rude customers, I present him here, along with his magnificent butt. For all of us that work or have worked in service fields, this guy is a hero.

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