West Hollywood Underwear Boutique Dresses Mannequin Up Like Gay Concentration Camp Prisoner

The bald figure is clad in striped pajamas pinned with a prisoner number, a yellow star and a pink triangle, the symbol for homosexual concentration camp prisoners during Hitler's regime.

Store owner Nir Ziberman, a gay Jewish Israeli whose grandparents died in the Holocaust, said he put the mannequin up to coincide with a rally on Thursday against Russia's treatment of homosexuals. "What's happening in Russia is exactly what happened when Hitler decided to kill Jews, gays and everyone else," he told Racked. "One sad thing in America is that people need to wake up to reality... [they] can't hide."

Ziberman insists the mannequin isn't supposed to be offensive: "This is part of our history, and it sends a very clear message to stop the hate."

A store manager said the display was for "shock value" because "it's more emotional and more touchy, to demonstrate the terrible things are happening in Russia."

Anti-Russian protests and rallies are being held around the world in the leadup to the Games: In New York, demonstrators poured blood on an Olympic flag outside the Russian consulate. In Paris, protestors picketed a McDonald's. In St. Petersburg, two demonstrators unfurled banners reading "Berlin 1936 = Sochi 2014," referring to the Olympic Games held in Nazi Germany. And online, social-media campaigns organized by both Coca-Cola and McDonald's have been taken over by hacktivists.

Source: Racked

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