Which Hollywood Actors Are Homophobic?

Today: The Flying Monkey answers all questions, including: why

are so many online fandoms so queer?

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Q: I

heard recently that [a famous singer] was so homophobic that members of the

chorus in [a Broadway show] wanted to bring him up on charges. Do you know

any of the details? Also, are there any other performers you can name who

have reputations for their homophobic behavior? – Mike, West Hills, CA

A: I wasn’t able to verify the

dispute you refer to, and it would surprise me, because the actor has worked

with plenty of gay and gay-friendly actors before.

Other homophobic actors? South

of Nowhere’s Danso Gordon

famously left that show because he was upset by the positive portrayal of a

character’s coming out and what he perceived to be a negative portrayal of a

Christian character – though he later had a very public change of heart, in

part because of the reaction to the incident.

In a 2008 mini-scandal, The Daily Beast reported that Mickey Rourke texted someone that,

despite playing a gay character, Sean

Penn was “one of the most homophobic people i kno [sic].” Rourke later

denied both the text and the sentiment.

In 2009, actor Bronson

Pinchot accused Tom Cruise of

making “constant” homophobic jokes on the set of 1983’s Risky Business – although

he later clarified that the comments were unremarkable at the time, given that

Cruise, unlike most actors, had not come from a theater background.

In 2009, it was reported that soap actor Chris Engen left the set of The Young and the Restless rather than kiss another

man (and the part was recast) – though he later issued a statement saying that

that was not the reason he left the show.

Smith not to kiss another man in Six

Degrees of Separation for “image” reasons (and Smith complied) – although

Washington later co-starred in the landmark AIDS movie Philadelphia.

Ernest Borgnine

and Tony Curtis both publicly said

unkind things about Brokeback Mountain, which they refused to

see, despite being voting members of the Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences

(which had nominated the film for Oscars).

Jon Cryer

said some pretty ridiculous things about gays during a recent Emmy “roundtable” discussion.

Mel Gibson, Isaiah

Washington, and Victoria Jackson

have all been accused of homophobia. In Gibson’s and Jackson’s case, I think we

can safely assume the accusations are true (although Gibson is friends with

semi-out lesbian Jodie Foster). Washington has apologized

for the infamous incident where he referred to a gay co-star as a “faggot” (but

he’s also argued that the whole dispute happened in the first place because of


Hugh Grant made an

on-air comment during a March rugby game that some people thought was homophobic.

"I discovered it hurt less if you tackled hard, than if you tackled like a

queen," he said of his own attempts at sports.

But what does it mean to be “homophobic” exactly? Even on

this site – which is mostly GLBT or GLBT-supportive folks – there have been

passionate disagreements about whether a portrayal, joke, or comment is

“homophobic” – and it usually comes down to a question of interpretation and

intent. Who decides?

As a general rule, I think most Hollywood actors are far more GLBT-friendly than the rest of

society, and within Hollywood,

I suspect women tend to be more tolerant than men, and (as Pinchot says)

theater actors are generally more tolerant that non-theater actors.

Q: So I, like a lot

of people, was surprised by that recent study that looked at online fandoms and

ranked the top thirteen. Everyone made a big deal about the fact that Supernatural, which doesn’t have that

many viewers, came in first, while Glee only

came in twelfth. But what I think is more interesting is how many of the top

fandoms have such strong gay or slash fandoms: Supernatural, Glee, Smallville, The Vampire Diaries, Hawaii Five O. What’s that about? – Mark, West

Palm Beach, FL

Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles of Supernatural

A: First, about that “study.” Before we give it too much credit, keep in mind that it was the work of one college

student, and the conclusions were based on a completely voluntary online

survey, sponsored by one specific website.

But polls are the most “scientifically accurate” when their

subjects are randomly chosen.

Think of it like this. Say you’re in a stadium with 100,000

people. You turn to the guy on your left and ask him his favorite color: how

likely is it that he’s speaking for the entire stadium? But what if you

randomly pick 100 people and ask them? What about a 1000? At some point, the

odds strongly favor the fact that the opinions of the subset will mostly match

those of the whole group.

But what if you don’t

choose the people randomly? What if you stand up and yell, “Hey, I’m making list of everyone’s favorite color! Who wants to tell me?”

Then you’re measuring something different – the willingness

of people to tell you their favorite

color. These opinions aren’t necessarily going to match the whole group. What

if people who like red are more likely to yell out? What if people whose

favorite color is blue are lazy or shy?

Basically, this fandom study is fun, but kinda junk science.

Still, this “voluntary” fandom survey may not be completely worthless: after all, word of

the survey eventually spread to most of the different fandoms, and since you

could argue that the more passionate fans would be more likely to reply, it was

a legitimate measure of fandom “passion.”

And in fairness to the researcher, she tried to corroborate

the survey with demographic information, web rankings, and other data.

But just because a fandom is more insular to itself – or

more self-confident about proving its passion to some website – that doesn’t necessarily

mean it’s any less “passionate” about their show, does it? What if a particular

fandom was too stupid to work their way through the 10-minute survey – or they

held a grudge against the sponsoring website? What if a fandom was dishonest and

encouraged their members to take the survey more than once? This would all bias

the results, which should be taken with an entire shaker of salt.

But Mark, what of the “gay” element you mentioned in most

online fandoms?

I don’t even have a pseudo-scientific study to back up my

thoughts, just my own thoughts and observations, but I totally agree with you

that it’s there.

Why? My theory is that men and women tend to interact with

the internet in different ways. Women tend toward social media and interaction,

and men tend toward, well … porn. As a result, fandoms are made up more of women

… who, in lieu of porn, are often drawn to things slash-related (which is

primarily or exclusively “gay,” depending on who you ask).

In other words, a lot of fandoms definitely have a queer

“energy” – even if their members aren’t necessarily or even primarily gay. I’ve

even seen it in fandoms you wouldn’t think would be that way – like, say, the Legend

of the Seeker fandom.

Make sense? It’s my theory, and I’m stickin’ to it. But

remember: it’s just my gut feeling, so take it with an entire lick of salt.

Have a question about gay male entertainment? Contact

me here (and be

sure and include your city and state and/or country!)

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