White House, Underwear Models Encourage LGBT Community To Enroll In Obamacare: WATCH

The December 23 deadline for the Affordable Care Act is swiftly approaching, and the Obama Administration wants to make sure LGBT people take advantage of it. They've been partnering with groups like  Out2Enroll, CenterLink, the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, PFLAG, the Equality Federation, and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Institute to raise awareness about Obamacare and, this week, produced a list touting the Top 5 reasons why it's good for the gays.

2. You can't be charged a higher premium just because you're gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender

3. You can't be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions like HIV/AIDS, cancer or mental-health issues.

4. Legally married same-sex couples are treated equally in regards to financial assistance as heterosexual married couples in the Health Insurance Marketplace, regardless of whether their home state recognizes marriage equality.

5. No lifetime limits on chronic conditions like HIV/AIDS.

This is exciting stuff – but many Americans aren’t aware of their new options or that they can sign up for health insurance by December 23 and get coverage by January 1!

That's very important info for sure, but the folks at Out2Enroll know that if you want to get a point across to gay men, it doesn't hurt to have a cute guy in underwear (or several, for that matter). They've produced "Get Enrolled," a Christmas-carol parody to the tune of "Let it Snow."

Out2Enroll describes itself as "coalition of organizations who want to help lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people stay healthy by making sure that one of the major benefits of the Affordable Care Act -- access to affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage -- reaches LGBT communities."

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