Woman Outraged By Gay Innuendo In Her New WiFi Router's Default Password

Virgin Media apologized for the flub, admitting they need "some quality control."

Christmas was ruined for one woman and her elderly mother this year by Virgin Media, which set the default password on their new WiFi router to a slightly offensive, slightly suggestive gay innuendo.

"Completely disgusted that my elderly mother has her Virgin wifi installed with THIS as her password?!" the woman tweeted with a photo of the password "gayfkers." Screenshots of the whole exchange were captured by the Metro.

She added: "utterly offensive and ruined her Christmas. We have gay relatives today and everyone is so outraged and upset! Obscene."

The company apologized on Twitter, explaining that passwords are randomly generated while suggesting they may "need some quality control" in the future.

This is the internet, of course, so the woman's complaint naturally inspired a new meme.

Here's to better WiFi passwords in 2016!

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