Why Did Zac Efron, James Marsden And Chris Hemsworth Paint Their Nails?

Not that we're complaining, mind you.

Men around the world are painting their nails to raise awareness about violence against children.

Zac Efron, James Marsden, Chris and Liam Hemsworth and Kelly Slater are among the celebrities taking part in the #polishedman campaign, organized by the Australian nonprofit YGAP.

The campaign asks men to paint one nail in a bright nail polish color in hopes of sparking conversation and improving awareness about violence against kids. Participants post a photo on social media and nominate friends to join in.

"Being a Polished Man means you don’t turn your back on the vulnerable. You raise your voice—and nail—to say, 'not on my watch'," YGAP says on its website.

"You embrace the smirks and know it doesn’t matter; there are worse things than being embarrassed by a little mani."

According to the World Health Organization, one if five children—some 150 millions girls and 73 million boys—have experienced sexual or physical violence before reaching the age of 18.

So far, more than $250,000 has been donated to the Polished Man campaign, with proceeds going to charities that assist young victims.

h/t: Gay Star News

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