The Best Way To Respond To A Homophobic Preacher? BAGPIPES!

A student at Florida Gulf State University literally drowned out a message of hate.

When homophobic street preachers start spouting their hate, some crafty folks have responded with humorous signs. Others clap back with a public demonstration of queer love.

But one student at Florida Gulf Coast University decided to make some noise—literally.

Brice Ehmig, a senior poli-sci major, was outraged by a demonstrator comparing homosexuality to bestiality and yelling at her for holding her girlfriend's hand.

So she drowned out his hate with her bagpipes.

"I have seen too much tragedy in the LGBTQ community to let a man in cargo pants tell me I am the embodiment of sin," she said. "I am a gay bagpiper and I’m proud."

We usually put bagpipes alongside some of our less favorite Scottish imports, like haggis and Donald Trump. But Brice's tune is music to our ears.

She added, "I decided since this is my last year at university that I should do things that make me feel brave."

h/t: Gay Star News

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