"Looking" Gets New Cast Members, Adds Diversity, For Season 2

When it debuted in January, HBO's queer-centric drama Looking got dinged for presenting a homogenously white version of the gay community in  San Francisco.

Well it seems like showrunners David Marshall Grant, Sarah Condon, and Andrew Haigh were listening: TV Line reports that when the show returns for Season 2 in 2015, there will be some new additions to the cast that will also up the diversity quotient: Malik, an African-American staffer in the mayor’s office; Sammie, a trans man who lives at the shelter where Agustin gets a job; and Brady, Richie’s new redhead boyfriend.

Of course, Haigh defended Looking's diversity back when it premiered.  "I think we are dealing with different ethnicities. There's always a limit to what you can put in a half-hour show and we've never tried to represent the whole of the LGBT community because it's an enormous community made up of lots of different elements. All we can really do is try and tell a story about our characters."

Now, maybe they can find a lesbian for the boys to interact with. There's got to be one or two in San Francisco, right?

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