Florida LGBT Church Vandalized With Swastikas

"It gave me a sense of incredible disappointment and anger," said Rev. Candace Shultis.

A church in St. Petersburg, Florida is feeling uneasy this week after members of its predominantly LGBT congregation discovered two swastikas and the phrase "Make America Great Again" chalked on its driveway.

The anti-LGBT graffiti was discovered Monday morning on the sidewalk outside King of Peace Metropolitan Community Church, which serves over 300 people.

The progressive church has been in the neighborhood for over 40 years and Reverend Candace Shultis says this is the first time it's ever been targeted with such blatant homophobia.

“It’s not the kind of thing I want to have left on the sidewalk. It’s left our members uneasy and not quite sure what to make of it. I think we were targeted because we are an LGBTQ church—with the atmosphere in our country right now, it just makes you feel uncertain,” she explained.

She added: "It gave me a sense of incredible disappointment and anger. Nobody likes to be targeted by hate but it also increases my resolve to continue to preach the message of love."

This act of anti-LGBT vandalism is just one of several that have occurred since Donald Trump was elected President last Tuesday.

Earlier this week, vandals defaced an Indiana church with swastikas and pro-Trump graffiti, set a trans woman's truck on fire and burned a gay man's Pride flag in front of his home.

h/t: WTSP

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