Bisexual Boy-Bander George Shelley Denies He Was Kicked Out Of Union J By Bandmates

"To imply that my 'diva behavior' and 'lack of commitment' led to the end of my journey with Union J is both hurtful and untrue."

Just last month, Union J's George Shelley made headlines when he revealed that he's dated both boys and girls in the past, and now he's in the news again as he battles with his former bandmates about the reason why he's no longer part of the group.

The remaining members of the band just gave an interview with The Sun, in which they say they dumped Shelley from the band for not pulling his weight.

"Using a sporting analogy, he wanted to turn up to the big matches but not turn up to training," said member Josh Cuthbert. "I would much rather have someone who wants to do it and is committed to do it. I’m not going to lose any sleep over him not being in the band."

But Shelley said he was shocked to wake up to discover the bandmates trashing him, and took to Twitter to tell his version of the story.

"The decision for Union J to continue on without me was entirely mutual between me and the boys," he wrote. "I have had an incredible journey with the band, and will always be grateful for the experience, but to imply that my 'diva behavior' and 'lack of commitment' led to the end of my journey with Union J is both hurtful and untrue."

Instead, he insisted that it was his decision to leave the band so that he could focus on taking his career in a new direction.

"The reality is that I have decided to focus on my broadcasting and acting career and am excited for what the future holds," he said. "I will also still be writing and performing music. Despite the boys decision to announce the future of the band in this way, I still wish them the very best."

h/t: Attitude

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