22 Reasons We Love Birthday Girl Demi Lovato

2014 LA Gay Pride Festival - Day 3

Demi Lovato is turning 22 today and we really do care.

In honor of the singer-actress-activist's birthday, here are 22 reasons we love her.

1. She recorded the video for "Really Don't Care" at L.A. Pride. And surprised fans during the making of the lyric video (above).

2. Because even at 4am, she's still #flawless (and we loved the ombré hair).

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3. She recorded a video for HRC's "Americans for Marriage Equality" campaign.

4. She doesn't take herself too seriously.

Demi Lovato Putin

5. That time she threw epic shade at Vladimir Putin during NYC Pride and became a trending topic in Russia.

6. She played Santana's girlfriend, Dani, on Glee.

7. Her rings are to die.


8. She's a wise Latina—and a cute blonde.

We still have "Neon Lights" on repeat.

When are paparazzi gonna learn? If you're respectful to me, I'll be respectful back. Why does it have to be a war of celebs against paps? — Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) June 24, 2014

10. She champions the Golden Rule, even for paparazzi.

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11. And when tweets don't work, her body does the talking.

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12. She brought a little girl on stage to help sing "Let It Go".

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13. She took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge—and let fans do the dumping.


14. She's no longer dating this guy.

[gdm_video source="youtube" video_id="UmLsASvU1go" url=""]

15. Her unqualified advice is genius.

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16. She got sober for her little sister.

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17. She's a role model for people living with mental-health issues.


18. Her spread in last year's Teen Vogue.

Demi Lovato Gif

19. These gifs.

Demi Lovato Gif bullying

20. Her message to people who have been bullied.

21. She keeps it real when talking about her old friend Miley Cyrus.

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22. She credits her trailblazing gay grandfather for helping her to become who she is: "“A lot of the courage I have to speak up, I believe, comes genetically from my grandfather."

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