"Kill The Faggot" Video Games Appears On Steam Greenlight Site

Steam, a downloadable games site launched its Greenlight initiative some years back to encourage DIY game developers to share their creations. But the campaign has received numerous fake and offensive submissions—most recently the first-person shooter Kill the Faggot.

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It's pretty much what it sounds like: Players shoot people running through the streets—scoring points if they hit gay or transgender people, and losing points if they hit "innocent" straight victims.

An announcer celebrate a kill by declaring, "AIDS carrier eliminated."

Created by a California developer and Christian skateboarder (no, seriously) Randall Herman on his Skaldic Games label, Kill the Faggot launched on Monday morning—but it was pulled down by Steam just a few hours later.

In the video below, critic Jim Sterling walks us through some game play, which includes lispy shouts of"Can I put my weiner in your butt?" and "Whoops, I just dropped the soap!"

Greenlight instituted a $100 entry free to limit the number of inappropriate games being uploaded, but clearly that's not enough.

"These people that think if you are even remotely homophobic, you are 'hateful' and a 'bigot,' and do everything they can to destroy you in every vicious way possible," Herman wrote. "So I decided to go down a path that most developers are afraid to go down: to piss these people off by making the most overly offensive game possible to these idiots to prove a point."

Related: 9 Great Video Games For LGBT Gamers

Herman, who says he's received e-mails "wishing physical harm on me," posted a free version of Kill the Faggot on Skaldic Games' website, and says the gamer industry is "overly sensitive and easily offended."

This is the same industry that inspired #GamerGate and trolled a trans developer to the point that she took her own life. We'd say being overly sensitive isn't the big problem.

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