B.D. Wong Is Strange, There's A Petition To Get Don Lemon Fired: BRIEFS

Plus Casey Moss arrested, and Graham Rogers before "Quantico"

Here is last week's caption pic winner. This week's caption pic is at the bottom of the page.

Thanks to everyone for participating! The winner is ....

"Should someone tell them their horses have disappeared?"

Thanks to darrien for this week's winning caption!

Weekend Birthdays! Dermot Mulroney (above) is 52, Grace Slick is 76, Harry Hamlin is 64, Jack Plotnick is 47, Deidre Hall is 68, Sean Paul Lockhart is 29, Penn Badgley is 29, and Toni Collette is 43.


SNICKS - Ryan Murphy beware! Nothing can top the terror of American Horror Story: Lego

SNICKS - Thirteen horror himbos for All Hallows' Eve. Join us as we induct Quantico star Graham Rogers into the David DeCoteau Underwear Hall Of Fame!

ED KENNEDY - I choose you! Pokemon brings two gaymers together.

LYLE MASAKI - When the South Park kids are introduced to Yaoi, the whole town thinks Craig and Tweek are a couple

EVAN ROSS KATZ - Rapper The Game wants you to know, better yet he'll show you, how big his penis is.

MATTHEW THARRETT - Boy George announces he slept with Prince, crowd goes wild.


B.D. Wong joins Gotham as Dr. Hugo Strange. I don't think I'm familiar with this Dr. Strange. Can someone fill me in?

According to a new petition, over 30,000 people think CNN's Don Lemon should be fired

"He seems to forget the true essence of journalism: to call the news how you see it and not judge, defame or antagonize. We, the people, want a journalist and an anchor that will not be afraid to accept the facts that are occurring within the African-American community and who will encourage our people the same way that person will encourage others across the board. We, the people, have no confidence in Mr. Lemon’s ability to do that. Therefore, we are asking CNN to remove him from his position."

Days of Our Lives actor Casey Moss arrested for allegedly trying to punch bartender.

"According to police, they received an assault call from the W Hotel at approximately 12:30 a.m. Police say that an intoxicated Moss tried to hit the bartender after he refused to continue serving the actor. Moss also allegedly shoved a second staff member. When asked his name, Moss yelled, “I’m Casey Moss, and I’m an actor on ‘Days of Our Lives,'” the police spokesman said."

Here's Episode 13 of Season Four of Where The Bears Are. "When George Ridgemont stumbles across photos of Dickie Calloway moments before he keeled over from the poisoned champagne inside Tucker’s gym bag, Nelson and Todd race to a photo shoot to warn Wood and Reggie, unaware that Reggie’s would be kidnappers Ace and Gary are lying in wait with a pair of airborne drones armed with loaded guns."

One more day to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, one more day to Halloween ... Silver Shamrock! I hope you all have a safe and happy one, and remember to put on those masks I bought all of you!

Here's the Friday Puzzler! "Happy Hunkoween!"

And here's The Weekly ShoutOUT™. Each week we're going to focus on one out athlete/performer and feature a daily pic and career timeline. We'll be showcasing the big names, but also the lesser-known gay and bisexual celebs who deserve more recognition. This week we give a ShoutOUT™ to ... Darren Young.

Closing out our week with Darren, I highly recommend his Instagram, which is hot and fun and filled with moments like this.

Three years ago I presented my personal favorite Briefs list, The 100 Greatest Lost Hits of The 80's, and because if there's one thing Hollywood has taught us, it's that sequels and reboots and remakes are ALWAYS better then the original, we're going to the well again with The 100 Greatest Lost Hits of The 80's Part 2: The Even More Forgotten

We'll be spotlighting 100 more of the greatest minor hits of the decade, the songs you don’t hear on any 80’s nostalgia show. Songs that missed the top ten, or top twenty … or top forty. Hopefully these forgotten gems may ring a long dormant bell, or for younger readers, provide a pop music history lesson.

At #76 is "New Day For You" by Basia

For a few years in the late 80's and early 90's, Basia carved out her own little niche in pop music. She has two songs on this list, starting with "New Day For You," which peaked at #53 in January 1989.

Congrats to vasilus, who guessed that yesterday's Pixuzzle™ © ® was Mulan. Although some people pointed out that this may be just a promotional pic, so I apologize for the confusion.

Here's today's Pixuzzle™ © ®. Here is a scene from a FAMOUS MOVIE. Can you name it?

Here's your caption pic for this week. Drop your caption ideas in the comments (And please remember to keep the captions PG-13!)

Today's Briefs are brought to you by ... Furry Friday guy, actor Sachin Bhatt

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